Protection is all about safe guarding your wealth, the financial interests of your family and the stability and prosperity of your business.
In the event of an unexpected tragedy, for example your own death, it is important to ensure that the people that rely on you financially are appropriately taken care of.
We help to give our clients the peace of mind and confidence that they have made the best possibly provisions when planning for the worst.

Our clients ask us to establish Life Assurance policies to ensure their income and/or liabilities are covered in the event of their death or serious illness. There are a wide range of policies and features to choose from and our experts can advise you on the most appropriate for your circumstances.
What would the impact on your business be if a Director or Partner were to die? We can help protect many elements of your business, from the loss of a key person to providing benefits for your staff. Our experts can advice on:
- Key Man Cover
- Shareholder Protection
- Group Life Schemes
- Partnership Protection
The prospect of having to leave our home as we get older and require care is never a welcome one. Care and nursing home fees are expensive and they can also add to the worry and stress of this life changing event.
We provide advice and plans which can help cover the cost of these fees and ease the burden during you or your loved ones transition into care.
With the recent Automatic Enrolment Government initiative, it is now mandatory for employers to provide their staff with a work place pension by October 2018 at the latest.
We provide a multi tiered service for businesses which handles all of the regulatory requirements for them and ensures they have met all their requirements compliantly.

Providing a little extra for your staff can make all the difference to their productivity and loyalty to your business. We have helped employers set up their employees with:
- Private medical cover
- Pension plans
- Group Life Plans